Don’t Be Too Hasty When Relocating Children

Canadian parents wanting to relocate their children after a separation may be surprised to learn they need Court approval if the other…


The Responsibilities of Condominium Board Members

Condominium living has become increasingly popular in Saskatchewan over the last few years. With baby boomers downsizing their living arrangements and condos…


How Hard Can This Viral Thing Be?

WMCZ is moving later this year. You might already know that since we talk about it elsewhere on this site. But hard…


Anti-Spam Compliance After July 1, 2014

There was a sharp uptick in the number of requests for consent in email boxes leading up to July 1, 2014. This…


Arbitrator Upholds Firing of Employee Who Improperly Accessed Health Records

Health records are among the most sensitive and protected materials. Despite these characteristics, it has been very difficult to terminate employees who…


New Students For The Not Too Distant Future

Along with most other law firms in Saskatchewan, WMCZ conducts interviews and makes offers to potential articling students in the last week…


We’re Heading South

After 18 years on 4th Avenue and the only home we’ve ever known, WMCZ is River bound. As in River Centre, which…


Trademark Changes Slipped Into Budget Bill

It isn’t obvious to look in a budget implementation bill for changes to trademark legislation. Yet that is what has happened this…


Employee v. Independent Contractor: Still A Fine Line

The other day I was reviewing recent decisions of the Saskatchewan Courts for new cases in the area of employment law and…


Airline Hotels Buys Ambassador Hotel

It was our privilege to assist Airline Hotels with their purchase of the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre in Kingston, ON. The…


Presentation to CAFA

Craig Zawada, Q.C. will be speaking to the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors on March 18, 2014 on the topic of agricultural…


WMCZ Import Beverage & Celebrities Who Need Lawyers Mixer Night

It’s the final reminder for 1st and 2nd year College of Law Students to join us on March 12 for our annual…
