There was a sharp uptick in the number of requests for consent in email boxes leading up to July 1, 2014. This was due to CASL, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, which ranks among the most onerous in the world (on paper, at least).
Individuals and organizations sending any email, not just those employing bulk email marketing, are affected by CASL. While there are exemptions intended to permit ordinary business activities, they do not always apply. For example, any business which relies on “cold call” messaging to drum up new customers will need to carefully review their practices in light of CASL.
There are no one size fits all solutions for CASL – each organization will have different issues. We’ve prepared this Anti-Spam Checklist to start identifying trouble spots but treat it as an introduction only. Do not – repeat – do not just rely on general information like this Checklist. Talk to your lawyer about CASL and how to ensure your own procedures are compliant.